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Basic Computer Final Assignment

Task : Make an artwork using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
♥ I created an artwork named 'The Lilac Sky."

♥ First, I draw 4 drawings for drafts before I start progressing.

♥ After Miss Tijan gave her opinion, I decided to go with my first idea - which is a cassette.

♥ First, I create outlines for the cassette (reference from google pictures) using Pen Tool and Shape Tool. I also use Shape Builder to make shapes.

♥ After that, I fill in the colours.

♥ Then, I transferred the cassette into Adobe Photoshop.

♥ I use Magnetic Lasso Tool to delete the area that I want.

♥ I opened an image of a girl into a new layer and adjust it to fit into the cassette.

♥ I also opened an purple universe image for the background. I adjust the contrast of the picture.

♥ After that, I used a picture of a crescent moon and move it at the top right of the artboard.

♥ I use Paint Tool to retouch the colour of the moon. I also adjust the fill and opacity.

♥ Then, I opened pictures of clouds in to new layer and arrange them. And then, I use a grain texture and put it on top of the cassette layer. I adjust the fill and also use 'Divide' effect.

♥ Now, I use Text Tool to put the title of the cassette.

♥ After that, I put some text details in the cassette.

♥ Lastly, I use Text Tool again to put a short quote.

Final Outcome :

♥ Every song has it's story.
