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Digital Typography

Practice : Typeface Anatomy

Assignment 1 : Alphabets for Kids

Concept : Animals. All of the alphabets were visualize as animals so that the children could learn the alphabets and also animals at the same time. Other than that, children could also recognize more easily with these alphabets.

Alphabets in Mockups :

Assignment 2 : Recreating App Logo

Task : Find an app in Google Play and recreate their logo.
(Changing the name of the logo is not allowed.)

So, I choose a music app called "I Love Music", which is made by German developer.
The reason why I choose this app is because the logo does not represent anything to the app, and it does not have a good design that could catch users eyes.

After that, I proceeded to make logo drafts. There are 36 logo drafts in total.

Miss Asfarina checked my logo drafts, and she said that the drafts has been developed well.
Then, she said I could proceed with number 36 logo.

Here is the finalized version of the logo.
I did some changes by using gradient for the colour of the logo, and I also included the name of the app with a typeface.

This is the app designs that I've made for the mockups.
I created two with different backgrounds, to give it more variations.

These are the 3 mockups with 2 different designs earlier.

Final Assignment : Create Your Own Typeface.

Task : Create your own typeface.
(Must include uppercase, lowercase, numbers and punctuation/symbols.)

Calligraphr Sketches

Presentation Board Layout

(Click the pictures to enlarge it)
