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Art History Final Assignment

Task : Choose any movements from the topics that we've learned to make an artwork.

The name of my painting is 'Middle of The Night.'

The art movements that I've chose are abstract expressionism and baroque.

Abstract expressionism is a post–World War II art movement in American painting, developed in New York in the 1940s. In the mid-1940s, the American art movement started and artists like Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko started to get involved in the movement too.

The Baroque period beginning around 1600 and continuing throughout the 17th century, and into the early 18th century is identified today as Baroque painting. Baroque art is characterized by great drama, rich, deep colour, and intense light and dark shadows.

The reason why I choose abstract expressionism is that it doesn't have any fixed style. Compared to any other movements, abstract expressionism have varieties of styles and technique. It is spontaneous and completely abstract. It will not have any forms of real things. All of it are painted with your own guts and emotions. For me, I painted my canvas in the middle of the night (hence, the title) when everyone is sleeping. At that time, I can fully express my emotions that I have onto the canvas.

The reason why I choose baroque is because of the colours. Baroque is known for it's exaggerated emotions in colours. Baroque often use black, red, green, and blue colours. So, I used those colours to bring the emotions onto my painting.

Painting technique that I've used was impasto. Impasto is a technique where you use palette knife or brush to create visible strokes in a painting. Most of expressionist like Vincent Van Gogh used the technique too.

Medium is acrylic paint of canvas.

Painting Progress :

- Took me 5 hours to finish. (including drying the paints)
