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Showing posts from September, 2019

Art History Final Assignment

Photo Collage

Task  :  Make a photo collage using Adobe Photoshop . ♥  I used a lot of pictures, I included it below. ♥  My idea is to make a picture collage with orange and tropical theme. ♥  I crop most of the picture using Magic Wand Tool and also Lasso Tool. ♥  Once I crop everything, I finally arrange all the pictures to make a good composition. ♥  I also adjust the color of the person's picture, to make sure that it will have the same warmth. I also use Text Tool to put a letter 'J' in the photo collage. ♥  I used Shape Tool to make an additional shape in the photo collage. ♥  Once I feel that it is done, I saved it as PNG. ♥  I added a watermark to avoid people from stealing this artwork since I really love this artwork of mine.

Mesh Tool

Task  :  Trace a picture using mesh tool in Adobe Illustrator . ♥ I decide to trace a green apple.

Photo Retouch

Task  :  Retouch a picture using Adobe Photoshop . ♥  I used a picture with a model that has freckles.

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