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Showing posts from February, 2020

Digital 2D Animation

Assignments   Normal & Slow-in Slow out & Slow-in and Slow-out Pendulum Ball Movement   Pendulum Ball 2   Pendulum Ball 3 (Infinite Ball)   Bouncing Ball 1   Bouncing Ball 2 Bouncing Ball with Slow Out. Shape Morphing Walk Cycle Final Assignment Create your own animation (minimum 10 seconds) I created an animation named 'Celestial Sunset'. The meaning of the title is 'a heavenly sunset', which describes my animation accurately. I wanted the animation of the sunset looks very heavenly and pretty, and then it will transition to the night, where shooting stars could be seen. There is also a girl in the animation, watching the celestial sunset. Elements that I used :  First, I drew the background first (I used gradient to make both of the sunset and night). After that, I animated the movem